dead silence
Codelec:692105520Editeur:dead silenceCatgorie produits:musiqueDescription:dead silenceInterprte(s):Billy TalentListe des pistes:1.1 . lonely road to absolution – Billy Talent1.2 . viking death march – Billy Talent1.3 . surprise surprise – Billy Talent1.4 . runnin’ across the tracks – Billy Talent1.5 . love was still around – Billy Talent1.6 . stand up and run – Billy Talent1.7 . crooked minds – Billy Talent1.8 . man alive ! – Billy Talent1.9 . hanging by a thread – Billy Talent1.10 . cure for the enemy – Billy Talent1.11 . don’t count on the wicked – Billy Talent1.12 . show me the way – Billy Talent1.13 . swallowed up by the ocean – Billy Talent1.14 . dead silence – Billy TalentDistributeur:14Genre (musique):Varit internationale »}
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