Live FM broadcast enregistr au RAS showground (Big Day Out) de Sidney, Australie le 26 janvier 2000.
Codelec:692106550Editeur:Song for The Millenium Radio Broadcast Australia 2000Catgorie produits:musiqueDescription:Live FM broadcast enregistr au RAS showground (Big Day Out) de Sidney, Australie le 26 janvier 2000.Interprte(s):Foo FightersListe des pistes:1.1 . monkey wrench – Foo Fighters1.2 . hey, johnny park! – Foo Fighters1.3 . everlong – Foo Fighters1.4 . alone + easy target – Foo Fighters1.5 . learn to fly – Foo Fighters1.6 . breakout – Foo Fighters1.7 . for all the cows – Foo Fighters1.8 . stacked actors – Foo Fighters1.9 . up in arms – Foo Fighters1.10 . my poor brain – Foo Fighters1.11 . i’ll stick around – Foo Fighters1.12 . big me – Foo Fighters1.13 . generator – Foo Fighters1.14 . aurora – Foo Fighters1.15 . this is a call – Foo FightersDistributeur:Socadisc
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